What is Mentorship Family?
The UC Davis Student Chapter of AIChE is dedicated to ensuring that Chemical Engineers of all class levels and diverse backgrounds have the opportunity to learn and grow in a collaborative environment. As an integral part of this mission, the Mentorship Program provides the chapter’s members with personal networking experience, encouraging communication, team-building, and mutual learning between lower and upper classmen. Currently in its ninth year, the Mentorship Program holds various annual events that foster these connections, including the Iron Chef Competition, Spring Quarter Olympics, and the Mentorship Family Dinner. Other events include Resume Building Sessions, one-on-one LinkedIn editing, Ice Cream Socials, and more.
Mentorship Cookie Decorating
This event took place during fall quarter 2022 and is a regular mentorship event for fall quarter. Family groups had just been announced so everyone got to meet with their family group and decorate sugar cookies with frosting. Where people had an opportunity to chat and get to know their families.

Mentorship Family Feud
Mentorship family groups competed against each other in family feud online on zoom. This event took place in winter 2022.

Mentorship Family Dinner
This annual dinner in Fall Quarter is the first organized opportunity for Mentorship Families to meet and connect in a semi-formal environment. Additionally, the family groupings for later team-based events including the Iron Chef Competition and Mentorship Olympics are announced. To accommodate for virtual setting in 2020-21, instead of a dinner the family groupings were revealed via Zoom, followed by a virtual Family Fued to give everyone a chance to meet.
Iron Chef Competition
This major event during Winter Quarter encourages collaboration and creative thinking; family teams are tasked with incorporating two secret ingredients into one entree and one dessert. This competition provides an excellent opportunity for AIChE members to network and connect with Chemical Engineering alumni from previous years, professors, and department staff.
Ice Cream Social
During the 2020-21 year, families got a chance to talk virtually in a casual setting, while creating and enjoying their own ice cream sundaes. Some friendly competition added to the fun to create the best ice cream sundae.

Mentorship Games
During Spring Quarter, family teams unite to test their teamwork and communication under pressure. The games vary from each year, including such activities as a water balloon toss and Ultimate Frisbee, and are hosted in conjunction with a barbecue for all program members. This year, families worked together in Zoom breakout rooms to complete a virtual escape room, followed by a few mini games. The winning family received $10 gift cards to Davis Creamery