Alondra Lopez


Position Title
Women in ChemE (WIC) Co-Chair


How did you learn about AIChE and why did you join?

I learned about AIChE during my freshman year and joined to learn more about the chemical engineering and meet fellow peers.

How has AIChE helped you grow professionally and/or personally? 

It's allowed me to create long-lasting friendships and create a feeling of family within the Chem E department. It's also given me access to network with professors and companies, and has provided me with useful advice for interviews/resumes.

What's one interesting fact about you?

I've played cello for 7 years.

If you could bring one item with you to a deserted island (aside from food and water), what would it be and why?

I probably won't survive with this item but I would bring my guitar because I need to listen to music constantly, and the idea of being on a deserted island with just my guitar actually sounds quite nice.

If you could watch one show the rest of your life, what would it be? 

I would watch Jane the Virgin because it encapsulates all the different genres of tv shows perfectly and is one of my many comfort shows.