Ara Chookoorian


Position Title
Community Chair


How did you learn about AIChE and why did you join?

I learned about AIChE through attending socials and a variety of events my sophomore year and fell in love with the organization. I decided to join in order to help grow myself as a person and take more responsibility.


How has AIChE helped you grow professionally and/or personally?

AIChE has allowed me to take on more responsibilities as an engineer and has given me the chance improve myself professionally. Because of AIChE, I now have made professional connections as well as an understanding of different industries and opportunities.


What's one interesting fact about you? 

I'm currently going through another Overwatch addiction just like when I was in high school. I mostly main tanks but also enjoy playing support once in a while :) feel free to ask me for my battlenet and we can play!


If you could bring one item with you to a deserted island (aside from food and water), what would it be and why?

I would bring a flare with me to signal for help. Whenever I see a plane I'd signal up the flare so the pilots can rescue me from the deserted island, only for the flare to blind the pilots and let them crash into the water.


If you could watch one show the rest of your life, what would it be?

Breaking Bad is a fairly accurate representation of what it means to be a chemical engineer.