Bolun Tian

Photo of bolun

Position Title
Community Chair


How did you learn about AIChE and why did you join?

I first about AIChE during an announcement in one of my classes. I wanted to join AIChE as it was a platform where I could actively serve and contribute to the Davis community.


How has AIChE helped you grow professionally and/or personally?

I have grown both personally and professionally as I got a chance to personally witness the work ethics of what makes a responsible leader - notably my "boss", Frances. Good time management, effective communication, and organization skills are some of the traits that I have seen from her. Through working alongside her and many others in AIChE, I was able to improve on these skills.


What's one interesting fact about you?

I like pineapple on pizza.


If you could bring one item with you to a deserted island (aside from food and water), what would it be and why?

Machete. It has many methods of use - cutting branches, hunting animals, and protecting myself.


Follow Bolun on Instagram: bo.bonut