Samantha Dvorochkin

Photo of Samantha Dvorochkina

Position Title
Sophomore Representative


How did you learn about AIChE and why did you join?

I learned about AIChE at Decision Davis during a presentation about the chemical engineering major. I knew right away that I had to join AIChE as a chemical engineer because I knew that it would be the best way to meet other fellow ChemEs and would provide resources and information that could only benefit me and my future career. 


How has AIChE helped you grow professionally and/or personally?

AIChE has helped me grow by getting me to go out and interact with more people. It helped push me out of my comfort zone a little as well as provide amazing resources that could help me professionally as well. 


What's one interesting fact about you? 

I have a twin brother! Although we look nothing alike hehe


If you could bring one item with you to a deserted island (aside from food and water), what would it be and why?

I would bring a book so that I wouldn't get bored out of my mind.