Vincent Martin


Position Title
Chem-E Car Student Liaison


How did you learn about AIChE and why did you join?

I heard about AIChE through an announcement at the beginning of one of my freshman lectures. I really valued the sense of community that AIChE provided and decided to become a member.


How has AIChE helped you grow professionally and/or personally?

AIChE has given me the opportunity to talk to many professionals via their events. the club has also helped me meet many of my friends within my major


What's one interesting fact about you? 

I am an generally outdoorsy person and love to camp. There have been four summers where I've spent more nights outside then Inside. I've been an instructor for mountain biking, caving, black smithing, stand-up paddle boarding, and axe throwing.


If you could bring one item with you to a deserted island (aside from food and water), what would it be and why?

Something to play music on. mental fortitude is just as important as physical wellbeing, and sick tunes will keep me sane. also, worst case scenario it can be used for fire wood.


If you could watch one show the rest of your life, what would it be?

How it's made(wow look at me I'm such an engineer), my favorite part is watching all the bottle fillers.